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Shameless: adjective
1. lacking any sense of shame: immodest; audacious
2. insensible to disgrace

Despite my best intentions of being a good, kind person, there are times when I just can’t help myself and I end up acting like a bit of an asshole on purpose. In my defense, sometimes life makes it just too tempting to resist being at least a teenie bit of an asshole. Plus, if being an asshole was always wrong, then god would have not have made assholes so funny. Here are posts where I recount my favorite shameless asshole stories.

The Crusty Underwear Incident

I think I must have been a troublemaker from the beginning. Either that or the pretentious private school I went to growing up unwittingly turned me into one. In truth, it is probably a bit of both. For the most part, I had good experiences with school as a kid. From the time I was…

How I Accidentally Got Botox Yesterday

Exactly five days ago I received the most devastating news of my life to date – news involving a person I deeply love. This news hit me like an asteroid would hit the earth – leaving my innermost core in ruins and my sky dark and terrifying. Would I survive this grief? How can I…

My Uncontrollable Urge to Fuck with Part II

Continued from “My Uncontrollable Urge to Fuck with Part I” I waited a few days for my next post. This time I was going to play the good Samaritan. I posted a comment warning my neighbors to “watch out for their pets and little ones” because I had seen a fox in our local…

My Uncontrollable Urge to Fuck with Part I

One of the greatest challenges in my life is reconciling the part of me that likes to be a little shit with the part of me that wants to be a kind, loving, and compassionate person. So far, these two parts of me have been like oil and water. How can I manage to extend kindness to…